Organic Fertilizer: Essential for Healthy Soil

9 reasons why organic fertilizer is indispensable for good soil.

1.* Regular use of organic fertilizer (manure, compost soil, etc.) improves soil structure. Heavy clay and sandy loam soils become looser and easier to cultivate, while light sandy and loamy soils become more cohesive and water-retentive.

2.* Soil enriched with organic matter is more airy and nutrient-rich , and holds water better. In addition, the soil's buffering capacity is improved, and adverse factors such as drought and excess moisture are less harmful to plants.

3.* Unlike mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers also introduce microorganisms into the soil, which contribute to soil improvement through their vital activity. Microorganisms make nutrients available to plants.

4.* Regular use of organic fertilizers improves the humus state of the soil. A large amount of humus substances is produced, which act as growth stimulants and accelerate the vital activity of plants. The humus layer of the soil cannot be replaced with mineral fertilizers. However, dark, humus-rich soil absorbs solar energy better and warms up faster.

5.* Organic fertilizer contains all the nutrients necessary for plants in the right proportions, including microelements, thus reducing the need to use mineral fertilizers.

6.* In soil enriched with organic fertilizer, additional mineral fertilizers also work better, and they are not washed out of the soil as easily with rainwater.

7.* When organic fertilizer decomposes in the soil, carbon dioxide is produced, which is necessary for plant growth and increases yield.

8.* Organic fertilizer (especially manure) can also be successfully used as biofuel in greenhouses and on terraces.

9.* Organic matter (manure, compost, peat, etc.) is also good as mulch, keeping the soil free of weeds and retaining moisture. Of course, when mulching with organic matter, it must be constantly renewed and the requirements of different crops for the mulch used must be taken into account.

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