What is Manure?
Manure is cow dung that has decomposed for two to three years in manure piles, with a neutral pH (6-7.5). It is properly decomposed, ready to use, and odorless. Manure is packaged in 40L plastic bags or 30L bags.
Usage and Effect
Manure is an ideal organic fertilizer used at 5-6 kg per square meter. It is a long-lasting fertilizer with effects that persist in the soil for 2-4 years. Additionally, manure improves soil structure and fertility.
How Many kg of Manure Do Different Plants Need?
At Planting
Following Years
Currants and Gooseberries
6-8 kg in the planting hole (a bucketful)
4-5 kg/m² under the bush canopy up to 1 m from the canopy.
4-6 kg/m² before planting
4-8 kg/m² each year after harvest.
6-10 kg/m² 2-3 months before planting
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Fruit Trees
6-10 kg in the planting hole, cover with soil
4-5 kg/m² at the canopy edge in subsequent years. For dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstock trees, every fall.
6-10 kg/m²
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6-10 kg/m²
4-8 kg/m² every 2 years.
3-6 kg/m² at planting
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10-30 kg/m² at planting
5-10 kg/m² in late fall before covering, spread in spring and dig in.
9 Essential Nutrients in Cow Manure
Cow manure is rich in nutrients essential for healthy plant growth. The reproduction of humus increases soil fertility and improves its structure. The most valuable is traditional barn manure, where straw has been used as bedding.
Experience and Reliability
Tammaru Farm has served customers for over twenty years, building reliable relationships. Our notable clients include the Tallinn Botanic Garden (for rose beds) and the Estonian University of Life Sciences' Institute of Agriculture. Regular customers have repeatedly chosen our manure, demonstrating the high quality and effectiveness of our products.
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