Oak Firewood - Tammaru Farm 🌳
Characteristics and Benefits of Oak Firewood:
High Heating Value: Oak firewood has an impressive heating value of 4.2-4.5 kWh/kg, providing efficient and long-lasting heat. This is especially important during cold winter days when you need to warm your home quickly and effectively. 🔥
Long Burning Time: Thanks to the density of oak wood, it burns slowly and evenly, offering long-lasting and stable heat. This reduces the need for frequent refueling, making oak firewood a very economical choice. ⏳
Clean Burning: Oak wood burns cleanly and efficiently, leaving less ash and reducing the maintenance needs of heating devices. Dried oak wood ensures proper ventilation and keeps your heating appliance in optimal working condition. 🌿
Low Moisture Content: Our oak firewood is kiln-dried, ensuring a moisture content of 14-18%. This low moisture level guarantees quick ignition and clean burning, maximizing the heat of oak wood. 💧
Comparison with Other Firewoods:
Oak vs Alder: Oak firewood offers higher heating value and longer burning time compared to alder wood, making it ideal for long-lasting heat.
Oak vs Black Alder: Oak wood burns slower and more evenly than black alder wood, providing more stable heat.
Oak vs Birch: Oak wood burns longer and provides more stable heat compared to birch wood, making oak an excellent choice for those seeking longer and more consistent heating.
Packaging Information:
Composition: 100% Oak wood
Package Dimensions: ~40L net bag (15 kg +/- 1kg)
Production: Pärnumaa
Warehouse: Tallinn, Nõmme district, Estonia
Ordering and Contact:
Order here - check the price list and order form. 📦